678-365-0099 TDD

2023 Holiday Giving Campaign


Open Doors to Independence

for People Living with Disabilities

Give now and make twice the impact!

Thanks to an anonymous friend of BDI, all donations made November 1 – December 31 will be matched up to $20,000.

The Official Holiday Giving Campaign has wrapped-up, but it is not too late to help open doors to independence for people living with disabilities.

Why Give?

People with disabilities want to live independently—just like their able-bodied peers. But they often face significant cultural and environmental barriers to achieving independence. BDI’s programs break down these barriers. When you donate to BDI, you help create more opportunities for people with disabilities to secure financial and social independence within their communities.

Our Goal - $40,000

Money Raised 100%

Todd's Story

Todd’s job at BDI enables him to live independently.
“My greatest achievement is graduating from high school with a diploma, living on my own with my roommate, and finding a girlfriend.”

- Todd W., Production Worker at BDI
Watch Todd's Story

Chatman's Story

BDI has helped Chatman develop skills that will serve him for life.
“Brandon is helping me with going out more. I am less stressed, and my behavior has improved a lot.”

- Chatman, Behavioral Health Participant
Watch Chatman's Story

McKenzie and Jason's Story

McKenzie and Jason are friends bonded by their mutual pursuit of independence.
“We rely on BDI to keep providing the resources we need to help Jason transition successfully to adulthood.”

- Cynthia W., Jason's Grandmother
Read McKenzie and Jason's the Story

Will's Story

BDI’s Benefits Navigation program helped Will secure an independent future.
“BDI stepped up and came through at a time when we needed help. Words don’t describe the positive effect BDI has on our community.”

- Dr. Alexander Park, Will's Father
Watch Will's Story

Sutton's Story

Sutton’s job at BDI gives him the economic footing needed to manage his own affairs.
“Bobby Dodd Institute is one of the best things that has ever happened to us. Sutton now has insurance, a retirement account—things he never had before.”

- Beth, Sutton's Stepmother
Read Sutton's Story

Juanita's Story

Juanita’s job at BDI helped her regain independence after living with PTSD.
“When they [my co-workers] see me, I want them to believe that anything is possible.”

- Juanita, BDI Contact Center Supervisor
Read Juanita's Story

Your Dollars at Work


Program materials for one G.R.O.W. participant


1 month of transportation for a participant seeking services


1 hour of Benefits Navigation assistance


1 month of Family Support services


4 hours of Behavioral Health counseling services

Download Your
Letter of Intent