IPSE – January 19, 2024, from 1-2:00 pm – Register here
Waivers and Wages – February 2, 2024, from 1-2:00 pm – Register here
Employment – February 23, 2024, from 1-2:00 pm – Register here
Geared at preparing advocates to take leadership roles at GCDD’s Advocacy Days, Team Lead Volunteers will learn how to navigate the Georgia State Capitol and support attendees speaking with their legislators. Each training will be specific to the topic of the following advocacy day. The January 19th training will be in support of the January 24th IPSE Advocacy Day, the February 2nd training will be in support of the February 7th Waivers and Wages Advocacy Day, and the February 23rd training will be in support of the February 28th Employment First/Ending Subminimum Wage Advocacy Day.
Team Leaders attend training to take leadership roles in supporting attendees in speaking with their legislators. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in honing their advocacy skills and supporting others to raise their voice!