678-365-0099 TDD

I/DD Commission Advocacy Day


Event Details

Advocacy Days give members of Georgia’s intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) community the chance to connect directly with state leaders. They are a great opportunity for both new advocates and seasoned ones to have a real impact on our state’s policies for people with I/DD.

I/DD Commission: Georgia’s system of support for adults with I/DD is outdated. A Senate study committee met in 2022 to determine the need for Medicaid services that keep people with disabilities in their home and communities. This committee recommended that the legislature funds 2,400 new NOW/COMP waivers and that it creates an I/DD commission.

The goal of the commission is to develop new solutions for ending the NOW/COMP waitlist, employment, housing, and other important issues for the disability community so that adults with I/DD can live, work, and thrive in our communities.

When: Wednesday, February 26, 2025 from 8am to 1:30pm EST

Location: Paul D. Coverdell Legislative Office Building, 18 Capitol Square Southwest Atlanta, GA 30334

Wed, February 26, 2025
8:00 AM
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