Many people who have disabilities can face a variety of challenges when job hunting, going on interviews, and working an office job.
Roderick Peters has dreams of attending Kennesaw State University and thanks to BDI and his diligent mother, Jackie, those dreams just might become a reality. Jackie Lunde, mother of Roderick Peters, received notice from the Social Security Administration that Roderick was no longer classified as disabled and his benefits would be suspended immediately. Worried about her son’s future, Jackie sought help from BDI.
As BDI’s Benefits Consultant began working with the family to develop the letter of intent, it was clear that Michael was not receiving the appropriate level of benefits. Michael’s mother was paying thousands of dollars each year out-of-pocket for his personal care expenses, which drained her resources, and threatened his long-term security…
Meet Charles. When Charles and his parents first came to BDI, he was frustrated and confused. He felt lost after aging out of school, and he couldn’t see the path to independence. BDI helped Charles and his family re-submit his NOW Waiver, which had seemingly become lost in the system…
After years living on her retirement (and with a degenerative visual disability), Cynthia decided that she wanted to re-enter the workforce. After meeting Cynthia, it was clear that she was not to be viewed as someone with a disability, but as a woman with so many abilities.
Aedrian’s new career was a culmination of hard work that began when he lost a job in 2012. His struggle to find a new job was compounded by a disability that limited the use of one of his arms. Undeterred and driven to support himself and his two young daughters, Aedrian sought help from BDI…
Meet Wanda. Wanda needed an employer who understood the accommodations she’d require because of her disability. Long hours on her feet caused excessive strain on Wanda’s body, and her doctor urged her to find a new position. By working with BDI, she was able to find a career that met her physical needs and satisfied her personal goals…
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