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Charles’s story

Finding hope with BDI. Charles and his mother leave the frustration and confusion behind.

Charles came to BDI in his late 20’s, accompanied by his parents, confused and frustrated. Charles had aged out of school and yet, years later when it seemed like all his peers were getting supports, he was with none. Charles wanted to learn how to get a job, and maybe one day live outside of his parents home, but he could not do it alone.

“BDI gave us hope. We didn’t know where to go, or who to even ask. BDI helped us and gave us so much more.”

— Charles’ Mother

Charles had applied for a NOW Waiver, but his application seemed lost in the system. His family sought support from BDI to re-file his application and advocate for services. BDI not only helped him re-apply for waiver services, but also enrolled Charles in the Family Support program and connected him with Community Access Services to develop job readiness and independent living skills.

Charles started volunteering in the community to gain valuable work experience and community connections. He is now also part of a bowling group. The consistent structure and routine, along with the right supports and services, have helped Charles tremendously. Not only has this effort resulted in functional life skills development, it has given Charles an overall more purposeful life in the process.

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